12 Parks and Recs Processes That May Be Hurting Your ROI (and How to Optimize Them)

12 Parks & Rec Processes That May Be Hurting Your ROI

Discover which day-to-day processes are paying off for your department—and how you can quickly optimize the ones that aren't.

Return on Investment (ROI) is a measurement designed to show you whether the thousands of dollars you invest into processes and technology are actually driving more participation and improving efficiency, or not.

Measuring ROI can be a challenge, but some daily operations are proven to help organizations like yours reach your goal, while others are known to drain resources. In other words, a high-level view of processes, in general, can show you where you could be getting a higher ROI, without having to do a costly and time-consuming analysis.

Through an independent research study conducted by Hobson & Company, we have identified the top 12 processes that have the biggest impact on ROI for parks and recreation organizations like yours and—more importantly—how you can improve them.

Topics of discussion include:

  • Operations management: Registration, payment, staff, and facilities management
  • Participation: Increasing enrollment and repeat enrollment in your programs
  • Data insight: Understand program and financial performance across seasons, sessions, or time periods
  • IT and data security: Leave the technical aspects to industry-leading professionals so you can save money, rest easy and focus on your business

Watch the webinar now by completing the form and downloading the recording. Start optimizing your ROI today!